Sunday, April 27, 2008


it was a childhood dream to draw the most glamerous character of indian comics. when i did the nagraj i really wanted him to be the 'glam boy'. judge your self how much i succeedeed in that.

1 comment:

DRAGON said...

I personally thank you for presenting a revamped Nagraj.
I loved Nagraj in childhood when Sir Pratap Mulick and Chandu ji used to draw him.I always loved Nagraj in his never ending world tour form.
When traveller Nagraj disappeared and his stories were full of magic,enormous powers and a bunch of his snake-friends,I lost interest in this character.
But as you presented him in world terrorism series,He instantly earned his place in my fav.list.
Your Nagraj is more life-like,more realistic and this is what Nagraj should always have been. Agile as a real snake and deadly for terrorists. The real threats,not his personal super villains.

Thanx again.